The Lead System is the preferred representational system (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) in use by a person.
Category: Concepts
Leading refers to modifying your own behaviors for another person to follow once rapport has been established.
The term kinesthetic is used to refer all kinds of feelings including tactile, visceral and emotional. Can also include body sensations.
Internal Representations
Internal Representation are patterns of information we create and store in our minds. This can include combinations of images, sounds, feelings, smells and tastes.
Intuition is a judgment made a person without an explanation of how these judgments are made.
Sub-conscious rules that control behavior.
Installation is the process of aiding the adaptation of a new behavior. A new behavior may be installed through a number of the NLP techniques.
Relating to sight or sense of sight.
Well-Formedness Conditions
Well-Formedness Conditions is a strategy to help reach desired outcome and goals. [An outcome is well-formed when: Stated in positive terms Initiated and maintained by the individual Includes specific sensory based description of the outcome Includes specific steps needed to obtain outcome The goal is compatible with all systems (Ecological) There is more than one […]
Frames provide ways to establish constraints around particular situations, ideas, discussions or behaviors. Frames can be used to identify the context of a topic in a conversation. Frames help influence how events can be interpreted or perceived by a person. From an NLP perspective, Framing is a very important part of the communication process. Setting […]