The Meta Mirror (Integral Mirror)

A person uses spatial anchoring (such as standing on bits of paper in different parts of the room) to examine a stressful situation from a number or viewpoints: theirs, that of their adversary and that of a detached observer. Used for understanding and lessening external conflicts.

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The Permission Pattern

Used for overcoming inner resistance (often from an internalized ‘parent’) to a course of action. A set of questions, leading up to an act of sponsorship by the coach.

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Six-Step Reframe

The steps of the Six-Step Reframe technique are: 1. Identify the behavior, response or signal you want to change 2. Communicate with the part responsible for the behavior Literally talk to the part. Respectfully ask “Will the part responsible for X communicate with me consciously now?” Then carefully notice the signals or response you get. It may be words, sounds, […]

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Anchoring is the process of associating a past state or response with a particular stimulus. The stimulus, or “anchor,” could be anything from a specific touch, sound or smell.  Remembering and re-experiencing a positive or resourceful past state and anchoring it to a unique stimulus can make it available on demand. This idea is similar to […]

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Swish Pattern

Swish Pattern is a NLP submodality process that programs your brain to go in a new direction. It is used to change undesired habits or unwanted behaviors into new constructive ones. Credits for the creation of this NLP pattern belong to Richard Bandier and John Grinder. Break an automatic thought or behavior pattern, and replace it […]

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Mirroring is consciously matching portions of another person’s behavior in order to gain rapport. It is an effect that occurs naturally in everyday communication and can be used to increase the level of rapport felt between people. See also Matching. Enhance your ability to establish rapport and to model excellence. This pattern builds a useful “second position” […]

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