
1.  What other meaning could the equation have?

2. A # B, A = C, and that’s D



What will happen to them if they continue to think this way?



1. Why are they saying this?

2. What is the secondary gain?

3. What are they trying to get?


Chunk Down

1. What specifically?

2. What are examples of this?

3. What are parts of this?


Chunk Up

1. For what purpose?

2. What’s important about this?

3. Exaggerate.


Counter Example

1. Invert the belief.

2. Make into a universal statement or question.

3. Was there ever a time when A # B?

4. A causes B, not B causes not A.


Another Outcome

What is another outcome you could shift to?



What story will relate to their belief?
Tell a metaphor or story about the solution.


Apply to Self

Don’t think about it; just use the word back on itself.


Hierarchy of Criteria (Values)

1. What are higher criteria (values)?

2. Apply current criterion (value) to current sentence.


Change Frame Size

1. Something (larger or smaller) they haven’t noticed.

2. Different frame, same behavior.

3. Chunk up to Universal Quantifier.


Meta Frame

How is it possible they could believe that?


Model of the World

1. Switch Referential Index.

2. Is this true in everyone’s Model of the World?


Reality Strategy

1. How do they represent that belief?

2. How do they/you know if it’s not true?

3. Apply current criterion (value) to current sentence.